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Дни недели



On Sunday I sleep,

On Monday I peep,

On Tuesday I watch TV,

On Wednesday I drink milk and tea

On Thursday I catch mice,

On Friday I eat rice,

On Saturday I have a rest -

These are things I like best.


How many days has my baby to play?
Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
Hop away, skip away,
My baby wants to play;
My baby wants to play every day!


Solomon Grundy

Born on Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday,
This is the end of Solomon Grundy.

О весне


Весна идет...

Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Birdies build your nest;
Weave together straw and feather,
Doing each your best.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Flowers are coming, too;
Pansies, lilies, daffodils
Now are coming through.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,
All around is fair;
Shimmer, quiver on the river,
Joy is everywhere.


Spring - Весна

Open the windows and open the door
And let the fresh breezes blow in.
Father Frost has gone to his home in the north,
And all of a sudden it’s Spring!


April Poem - Апрельский стих

In April fleecy clouds float by
Like cotton candy in the sky
April is tip-toeing into the land
Touching each leaf with her delicate hand.


It is the springtime,
Winter has gone,

Summer time is coming,

It won’t be long.

О зиме

Снеговик  - Snowman

I'm a little snowman, short and fat

Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.

When the jolly sunshine comes to stay

Then I slowly melt away!


Снежинки - Snowflakes

Snowflakes are nice,

Snowflakes are white.

They fall by day,

They fall at night.


Snowball - Снежок
by Shel Silverstein

I made myself a snow ball

Аs perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet

Аnd let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas

Аnd a pillow for it's head.
Then, last night it ran away.
But first -- it wet the bed.


Winter - Зима

Nothing is quite so quiet and clean
As snow that falls in the night,
And isn`t it jolly to jump from bed,
And find the whole world white?



Frosty is the morning;
But the sun is bright,
Flooding all the landscape
With its golden light.
Hark the sounds of laughter
And the voices shrill!
See the happy children
Coasting down the hill.


Снег идет... -  It’s snowing,

It’s snowing, It’s snowing
What a lot of snow!
Let us make some snowballs
We all like to throw.
It’s snowing, it’s snowing.
Let us sledge and ski!
When I’m dashing downhill
Clear the way for me!


День Нового года

New Year Day, happy day!
We are glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”



This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The New Year Tree!



Winter time is full of light,
Winter time is big and bright,
Winter time is full of fun,
Winter time has lots of sun.



На льду

Slide, slide, the ice is strong.
Quickly, quickly slide along!
Slide along and don’t be slow,
In the cold your face will glow!



On the window ledges,
On the branches bare;
Now how fast they gather,
Filling all the air.


Look into the garden,
Where the grass was green;
Covered by the snowflakes,
Not a blade is seen.



Winter, winter, everywhere
Shows its face, its eyes, its hair
Winter, winter, freezing cold
enjoyed by many, young and old.



The door was shut, as doors should be
Before you went to bed last night
And Father Frost has got in, you see
And left your window silver white.



So softy came the snowflakes down
That no one heard in all the town.
And right-side up they landed too,
As parachuting elves would do. 

So when the morning came – surprise!
The world lay white before your eyes.
With cotton roof and hills a-blur
And avenues of rabbit fur


Snowflakes - Снежинки

by Linda A. Copp

Snowflakes spill from heaven's hand
Lovely and chaste like smooth white sand.
A veil of wonder laced in light
Falling Gently on a winters night.

Graceful beauty raining down
Giving magic to the lifeless ground.
Each snowflake like a falling star
Smiling beauty that's spun afar.

Till earth is dressed in a robe of white
Unspoken poem the hush of night.


Sleigh-Bells - Колокольчики на салазках

by Evaleen Stein

Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle! Happy winter-time!
Baby's eyes a-twinkle, hear the sleigh-bells chime!

Each one rings a merry ting-a-ling-a-ling!
For a sleigh-bell fairy hides inside to sing.

See them quake and quiver, up and downward tossed,
Seems as if they shiver in the nipping frost!

Shiver into laughter, jolly little elves!
Till we laugh thereafter, merry as themselves!


by Dorothy Aldis

The street cars are like frosted cakes --
All covered up with cold snowflakes.

The horses' hoofs scrunch on the street;
Their eyelashes are white with sleet.

And everywhere the people go --
With faces tickled by the snow.


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

О лете

Летний ветерок

(Канун дня летнего равноденствия)

Where are you going, summer breeze?

Off beyond the fields and trees.

What do you see when you blow that way?

Children jumping from bales of hay.


What do you hear as you travel the land?

People dancing to an outdoor band.

What do you smell as you rush about?

The perfume of blossoms bursting out.


What do you taste as you soar up high?

Fresh corn on the cob and apple pie.

What do you feel as you climb to great heights?

The heat of the day and the warmth of the nights.


What do you wish for as you leave?

Let all folks enjoy this midsummer's eve.



School is out and summer camps start

And older people feel younger at heart.

And even at night it's warm and lazy

If you don't like summer you must be crazy.


Swim in the pool, eat some ice cream.

Stare at the clouds, get lost in a dream.

Spin in the circles until your brain is hazy,

If you don't like summer you must be crazy.


Go to the beach and build a castle,

Or you and your friend in the sand can wrassle.

Lie on the green grass, make a chain with a daisy

If you don't like summer you must be crazy.


Summer Sun - Летнее солнце

Summer sun in the sky
Shining, shining up so high
Makes it warm for outside fun
To play at the park and run
To swim, hike, and fish
And go on a picnic, if you wish!


Summertime - Лето

See the shining sun.
See us play and run.
Summertime, oh, summertime,
We are having fun.


Watch us as we play.
We play and run all day.
Summertime, oh, summertime,
Please don’t run away.


Bright Sun - Яркое солнце

Bright sun shining down,
Shining on the ground.
What a lovely face you have,
Yellow, big, and round.


В бассейне летом

I can stay real cool
In my little swimming pool.
On a sunny summer day,
I can splash and play.
When I wear my bathing suit,
I’ll be cool and I’ll be cute
In my little swimming pool.



Cut thistles in May,
They grow in a day;
Cut them in June,
That is too soon;
Cut them in July,
Then they will die.

О маме

С Днем 8-е Марта!

My dear, dear mоmmy,

I love you so much!

I want you to be happy

On the 8th of March!


Самая лучшая мама

Mom is such a special word

The loveliest I've ever heard

These words to you, above all the rest,

Mom, you're so special,

You are simply the best!


I like the way you look,
I like the way you cook,
Now I want to say:
«Happy Mother’s Day!»


Mommy - Мамочка

by Gail M. Russellburg

Mommy I love you
More than you see
You have always been there
When I needed you to be

I know I don't show
How great my love is
But I need you to know
All the love or you I have to give

I wish there was more
For you I could do
But all I can say
Is how much I love you

It is deeper than the oceans
Higher than the sun
I could shout it forever
And still not be done

Your smile is a keepsake
I keep close to my heart
That I open up and treasure
When we are apart


My Mother's Love - Любовь моей мамы

by April A. Clark

I have a special treasure
A gift from up above
A precious treasure
It is my mother’s love.

You’re more than just special
You’re a part of my heart
Locked there forever
Never shall we be apart.

All of my dreams,

You made sure came true.
Putting yourself aside

Even when I hurt you.

You’re not only my mother,

You’re also my best friend,
No one can ever change that.

It’s not something that could end.

I know that I am blessed,

From heaven up above,
So lucky to have,

My mother’s love!


Лицо моей мамы

I know a face, a lovely face
As full of beauty as of grace,
A face of pleasure and of smile.
In darkness it gives the light.
A face that is itself like joy,
To see it I’m a happy boy.
And I have a joy that have no other.
This lovely woman is my mother! 


Сегодня День Мамы

Today is Mother's Day.
Let's help Mama.
I'll make breakfast.
You make lunch.
I'll do the dishes.
You do the shopping.
Let's help Mama.
It's Mother's Day.

Today is Mother's Day.
Let's help Mama.
I'll sweep the bedrooms.
You make the beds.
I'll clean the kitchen.
You do the laundry.
Let's help Mama.
It's Mother's Day.


A True Angel - Настоящий ангел

by George W. Zellars

A mother is special, she's more than a friend.
Whenever you need her, she'll give you a hand.
She'll lead you and guide you in all that you do.
Try all that she can just to see you get through.

Good times and bad times, she's there for it all.
Say head up, be proud, and always stand tall.
She'll love you through quarrels and even big fights,

or heart to heart chats on cold lonely nights.

My mother’s the greatest that I've ever known,

I think God made my mother like He'd make his own.
A praiser, a helper, an encourager too,

Nothing in this world that she wouldn't do.

To help us succeed she does all that she can,

Raised a young boy now into a man.
I want to say thank you for all that you do,

Please always know mom, that I love you.

О семье

I have a father.

I have a mother.
I have a sister.
I have a brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother –
Hand in hand with one another.


That is your mother,
I agree, she is fine.
You love your mother,
And I love mine! 


I know a face, a lovely face
As full of beauty as of grace,
A face of pleasure and of smile.
In darkness it gives light.
A face that is itself like joy,
To see it I’m a happy boy.
And I have a joy that have no other.
This lovely woman is my mother! 


Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I've been to see grandmother
Over the green.

What did she give you?
Milk in a can.
What did you say for it?
Thank you, Grandam.

This Is My Family
This is the Father, kind and true.
This is the mother who cares for you.
This is the brother so big and tall.
This is the sister who plays with her ball.


A Good Rule
My sisters and brothers
All go to school.
We help one another.
It is a good rule.


We help our mother,
When she washes or cooks.
Together with Father
We like to read books.


Mother and Father

Mother is the dearest of all friends I know.
She helps me with a lot of things,
That’s why I love her so.

Father is the kindest of all friends I know.
He likes to take me out with him,
That’s why I love him so.


We are a Family
We laugh and cry,
We work and play,
We help each other
Every day.
The world’s a lovely
Place to be
Because we are
A family.

Об осени


Yellow, red, and green and brown,

See, the little leaves come down.

Dancing, dancing in the breeze,

Falling, falling from the trees.



Warm September brings the fruit,

Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

October brings the pheasant,

Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast,

Then the leaves are wiring fast.


I love fall! - Я люблю осень

I love fall! Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.
It's burrs on dog's chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a crisp dry sound.
It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's fall. That's why...
I love fall.


Осенний ветер

"Come," said the Wind to the Leaves one day.
"Come over the meadow and we will play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold.
For summer is gone and the days grow cold."


Осень пришла...

By all these lovely tokens
September days are here
With summer's best of weather
And autumn's best of cheer.


When everything that ticked has stopped,
And space stares, all around,
Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns,
Repeal the beating ground.

Гармония в осени

Percy Bysshe Shelley 

There is a harmony 
In autumn, and a luster in its sky,
Which through the summer is not heard or seen,
As if it could not be, as if it had not been!


Bright summer days are now over,
Green leaves will all soon be gone,
Fresh landscapes are turning golden
Like solid rays of the sun.
Lingering trees in the distance
Filling my heart to the most,
My life will turn in the meantime
Into unsubstantial ghost.


The Milkweed - Молочай осенью

Cecil Cavendish

The milkweed pods are breaking,
And the bits of silken down
Float off upon the autumn breeze
Across the meadows brown.

Про цвета


Soap is green or red, or white,
Or blue, or black as inc.
But when you wash it is turn white,
It is so strange, I think.

Blue sea…

Blue sea, green tree.
Brown hand, yellow sand.
Rose red, grey head.
Snow white, black night.


Red and yellow, blue and green,
Blue and green, blue and green,
Red and yellow, blue and green,
Black and white and brown.

Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Pink and grey, pink and grey,
Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Black and white and brown.

Blue is the sea.

Blue is the sea,
Green is the grass,
White are the clouds
As they slowly pass.

Black are the crows,
Brown are the trees,
Red are the sails 
Of a ship in the breeze.

I see green…

I see green, I see yellow,
I see that funny fellow.
I see white, I see black,
I see this and that and that.

I see pink, I see brown,
I stand up and I sit down,
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you and you!

I see…

I see green, I see brown.
I stand up and I sit down.
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you, and you!

The frog is green.

The frog is green, green, green
And so is the tree,
One, two, three, one, two, three.
Red, red, red the rose,
Blue, blue, blue the dress.
Grey, grey, grey the rat
And so is the cat!

What is green?

Please, tell me, what is green?
Grass is green, so long and clean.
“What is red?”, asked little Fred.
“The ball is red”, says his brother Ted.
What is grey? Can you say?
Yes, I can – the mouse is grey!
What is white? I want to know.
Milk is white and so is snow!

This is …

This is a big green frog,
This is a big white dog.
This is a big grey rat,
This is a big black cat.

Take a little bit of yellow.

Take a little bit of yellow
And a little bit of red,
Put it in the bowl
And what have you got instead?
We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.
What have we got?
We’ve got orange!

We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you’ve ever seen.
We can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blue make green.

Take a little bit of yellow
And a little bit of blue,
Put it in the bowl
And mix it up do.
We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.
What have we got?
We’ve got green!

We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you’ve ever seen.
We can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blue make green. 


Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow too.
Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can see a rainbow,
See a rainbow,
See a rainbow too.

Come unto these yellow sands.

Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands:
Curtsied when you have, and kissed
The wild waves whist:
Foot it featly here and there,
And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.
Hark, hark! Bow-wow;
The watch dogs bark: bow-wow.
Hark, hark! I hear
The strain of strutting Chanticleer
Cry Cockadiddle-do.

If you're wearing red today.

If you're wearing red today, 
Red today, red today, 
If you're wearing red today, 
Stand up and say "Hoo-ray!" 
Repeat: for other colors 

A pencil-box.

I have many pencils:
Red and green and blue.
I’ll draw a picture
And give it to you!

I have many pencils.

I have many pencils,
Red and green and blue.
I shall draw a picture
And give it to you!

I have many pencils,
My brother has a pen.
We can draw on paper
Funny little man.

Агния Львовна Барто

Переводчики - И. Железнова, Д. Руттенберг, С. Камелина


The Ball

Little Tanya’s sadly sobbing,
On the waves her ball is bobbing.
Please, don’t cry and wipe your tear,
Rubber balls don’t drown, my dear.

My Horse

How I love my little horse!
I shall brush it well, of course,
I shall comb its tail and mane,
And go riding out again.

My Billy Goat

With my goat, so small and funny,
I go walking every day.
In our garden, green and sunny,
I and Billy love to play.
Should my little Billy stray,
I shall find him right away.


On the floor lies tiny Teddy

Half a paw is gone already.

He is tattered, torn, and lame.

Yet I love him just the same.



Once a little scatter-brain
Left poor Bunny in the rain.
What could little Bunny do?
He got wet just through and through.

The Wooden Bull Calf

The Bull-Calf walks with shaking knees.
The funny thing’s so small
The board is ending soon, he sees.
And he’s afraid to fall.

The Elephant

Time for bed! The Calf’s asleep,
In his basket, snug and deep.
Teddy’s sleeping in his cot,
But the elephant is not.
He nods his head and looks askant
At the Lady Elephant.

The Lorry

Now we all are very sorry:
We put Pussy in the lorry;
Pussy didn’t like to ride.
Oh! The lorry’s on its side.

The Aeroplane

We shall build a plane and soar
Over woodland, sea and shore,
Over woodland, sea and shore,
And fly back to Mum once more.