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«  Февраль 2025  »

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Летний ветерок

(Канун дня летнего равноденствия)

Where are you going, summer breeze?

Off beyond the fields and trees.

What do you see when you blow that way?

Children jumping from bales of hay.


What do you hear as you travel the land?

People dancing to an outdoor band.

What do you smell as you rush about?

The perfume of blossoms bursting out.


What do you taste as you soar up high?

Fresh corn on the cob and apple pie.

What do you feel as you climb to great heights?

The heat of the day and the warmth of the nights.


What do you wish for as you leave?

Let all folks enjoy this midsummer's eve.



School is out and summer camps start

And older people feel younger at heart.

And even at night it's warm and lazy

If you don't like summer you must be crazy.


Swim in the pool, eat some ice cream.

Stare at the clouds, get lost in a dream.

Spin in the circles until your brain is hazy,

If you don't like summer you must be crazy.


Go to the beach and build a castle,

Or you and your friend in the sand can wrassle.

Lie on the green grass, make a chain with a daisy

If you don't like summer you must be crazy.


Summer Sun - Летнее солнце

Summer sun in the sky
Shining, shining up so high
Makes it warm for outside fun
To play at the park and run
To swim, hike, and fish
And go on a picnic, if you wish!


Summertime - Лето

See the shining sun.
See us play and run.
Summertime, oh, summertime,
We are having fun.

Watch us as we play.
We play and run all day.
Summertime, oh, summertime,
Please don’t run away.


Bright Sun - Яркое солнце

Bright sun shining down,
Shining on the ground.
What a lovely face you have,
Yellow, big, and round.


В бассейне летом

I can stay real cool
In my little swimming pool.
On a sunny summer day,
I can splash and play.
When I wear my bathing suit,
I’ll be cool and I’ll be cute
In my little swimming pool.



Cut thistles in May,
They grow in a day;
Cut them in June,
That is too soon;
Cut them in July,
Then they will die.